Wow!! A Sensor Using Blue Light!! Why Didn't I Try This Sooner?

Are you struggling with a hard to detect sensor application? Perhaps the answer is the Sensopart series of blue light sensors. Who would have thought using a blue light source would make such a difference and open up new possibilities for the detection of transparent or dark objects. Sensing these objects has long been a source of frustration for those who need to detect them reliably. Now there is a solution for many of those problem applications that have been a struggle for red light sensors over the years.
Originally developed for the detection of photovoltaic material for the solar industry, Sensopart developed a receiver finely tuned for the shorter wavelength of blue light. The lower penetration characteristics of blue light combined with Sensopart's superior background suppression technology open up a variety of new possibilities for difficult to detect targets. Blue light technology is changing how we solve difficult applications, below are just a few...
1. Transparent objects without the use of a reflector.
2. Black or dark color objects.
3. Inconsistent or varying color objects.
4. Steep angle detection - In some cases up to nearly 90 degrees.
5. Foam or porous material.
6. Textured surfaces.
7. Oil or fluid coated materials.
8. Light absorbing materials.
9. Black targets with white backgrounds - the most challenging of all.
10. Your next difficult application, give us a call!
For more information watch the video below and contact us for a live demo!